I wanted to share a website that my mom found with everyone. The website is for an organization called Camp Kesem. I will be quoting some information from their site in my blog, but please feel free to check out their website yourself.
"Camp Kesem is a free week long overnight camp for kids ages 6 - 13 with parents who has (or has had) cancer." It is a college student ran summer camp. The first camp was started at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California in 2000, since then 15 new schools have joined on. In 2008, they anticipate a total of 21.
The following is word for word from their website -
What does Kesem mean?
"Kesem is the Hebrew word for magic. The founders of Camp Kesem chose Kesem because their goal was to bring magic to families coping with cancer. More recently, we've developed a more detailed definition of what Kesem means to us. Kesem (n): magic; the ability to change a life; an agent of growth; the unique power that transforms kids into Camp Kesem Campers"
Is Camp Kesem a religious camp?
"No, Camp Kesem is a secular camp and is open to student volunteers and families of all backgrounds."
This is such a wonderful thing that these college students are doing. I applied for Taylor and Hailey to go to camp this year but it is already at the maximum amount of children it can take. So I am planning on getting them on the waiting list for next year. In the meantime, I thought it would be nice to start collecting some of the items the camp has on it's "wish list". I invite everyone to get involved and donate to this organization. You can donate money or material items that are on their "wish list". You can even chose which location you want to donate to.
Camp Kesem Wish List
Towels, Twin Sheets, Blanket, Pillowcases
Sports Equipment
Baseball equipment, Basketballs, Potato sacks, Swimming toys, Large Rubber Balls, Jump ropes
T-shirts, Sweatshirts, Children’s swimsuits, Socks, Flip Flops, Children’s pajamas**
Kleenex, Toothbrushes, Soap, Sunscreen**, Shampoo
Children’s books, Board games, Playing cards, Water balloons
Arts & Crafts
Miscellaneous art supplies, Hot glue gun, Paper, Safety scissors**, Tie Dye
Fun Stuff
Stuffed animals**, Glowsticks, Costume supplies (ie, hats, scarves wigs, dresses, masks, etc),
Large water cooler**, Non-perishable snacks**, Water bottles**, Packaged drinks**, Sandwiches/bagels for opening and closing day picnics
Miscellaneous Supplies
Garbage bags**, Brooms s Candles**, Pens/Pencils**, Disposable cameras**, Polaroid camera and film**, Flashlights**, Walkie Talkies, Sleeping bags, Infirmary supplies (ie, band-aids, ointment, thermometer, etc) Batteries (A, AA, C, D)
I hope you take a moment to check out their website. Take a look at all the great Universities that are involved in this "magic".
Just a reminder, I am getting my Chest port put in on Tuesday morning and then my second Chemo treatment after the surgery. I'm feeling really good about it. Don't get me wrong my nervousness about the surgery is still there, but overall I know that it will make my journey with cancer a little less stressful. I'm positive I am going to beat this and I am going to have the best time I can while doing it!!!!
Have a great weekend. Talk to you all soon.