Thursday, July 26, 2007

Thank You

I was laying down this morning because I wasn't feeling too good and the doorbell rings. It was the mail person leaving me a wonderful surprise. Sandy and Larry sent me a goodie box from North Idaho. For those of you who don't know, I was pretty much raised in North Idaho. I have known Sandy and Larry since I was about 5 years old. Back to the wonderful surprise....I opened up the box and it was full of goodies. A beautiful card, hershey kisses, peanut granola bars, a gift card to Barnes and Noble, a journal and the most beautiful quilt ever. This is her very first quilt and its perfect. I love it. I thought it would be nice to take some pictures of the girls and I with the quilt to share with everyone. Also I wanted to share with you what is on the cover of the journal is says the following "just when then caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly"

Sandy and Larry, thank you so very much. I can't even begin to tell you how you made my day! I love you guys very much and I can't wait until I'm better so I can come "home" and see everyone.


Cindy said...

What a way to make me cry!!! Sandy, you are the greatest! I talked to you for over an hour on the phone last night, and you never even let on, you brat. Art & I can't tell you how much it means to have friends like you. We are the luckiest people in the world! Thanks so much and see all in September at the big 30!!!

Kelly Kane said...

That quilt is beautiful!!!! Thanks for sharing the pictures, and hooray for fun packages! And yay for the kitty being needy during treatment, gives you something to snuggle with :)

Kelly Kane said...

Oooo you changed your layout, fabulous :)

Anonymous said...

It so weird reading your story cause my husband went through the exact thing at the exact time you did. He was diagnosed with hodgkins June 29, 07 went through six months chemo (ABvD) and had 20 radiation treatments. He is now 99.9% cured. Juat thought I'd share since its such a weird coincidence