Monday, July 23, 2007

Tired But Clean

I’m back and my hair is clean!!

I’ve been doing a lot of resting the last couple days. I have to admit, I washed my hair for the first time in 5 days. I can’t get the area where my port is wet until it completely heals. So taking a bath is the only option and since the area has been pretty tender, I have not been able to lean over the tub or sink to wash my hair. Nana got me a new shower head to make my life easier (and cleaner). I hate not having clean hair.

I got a phone call from my doctor’s office after I posted my last blog telling me that my white blood cell count was too low for my scheduled treatment. So instead of having Chemo on Wednesday, I had to go see the nurse so she could show me how to give myself injections of Neupogen (medicine to help build my white blood cells). Like I’ve said a hundred times, I hate needles. So instead of giving myself the injection, I am going into the injection center at the hospital. By Friday, I had my count up enough to undergo my 2nd round of Chemo; it was my first round using my chest port.

Saturday and Sunday were pretty uneventful. I took a nap both days and lounged around in my new rocking chair the rest of the time. Josh and Nana didn’t let me do much and they wouldn’t let me go anywhere. I think I am going a little crazy L Between that and the fact that I have started loosing my hair. I know it’s only hair and it will grow back but it is still hard seeing it in my hand every time I touch my head.

Today, I had to start the Neupogen again. I have to do it for the next 10 days and then I stop a couple days before my next Chemo treatment. It causes me to have body ache and a major headache. The headache wasn’t as bad today as it was last week but the body aching was still pretty bad today.

I talked to my mom this morning and she told me that her friends at work have been bringing in donations for Camp Kesem. How wonderful is that? They even know that Taylor and Hailey won’t be able to attend this year but they still want to give their donations. Thank you all so very much. It means so much that you all care so much. My mom is very lucky to have friends like you and I can’t wait until I can meet you all.

Ohh, I forgot to tell everyone, On Friday, it was 60 days since my last cigarette and Josh is going on 45 days. I can’t believe how good it feels to not smoke anymore and to not smell like a cigarette anymore. They say reformed smoker’s are the worse. Sorry!!

I’m going to go and watch “Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?” with the family. The girls love this show. After that, Josh and I will watch “Hell’s Kitchen” and then it’s time for more sleep. I hope everyone is doing well and had a great weekend.



Kelly Kane said...

Your mom is awesome!! And kudos to her co-workers, how great of them!! As for the hair, I suggest getting used to having unclean hair for the next few months - if you're like me, you'll hate washing it when it's falling out, so try not to wash it as much, if possible. Oh and 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner, oh and I almost forgot, your head might actually hurt, it's a weird feeling, but my head used to hurt when my hair was falling out.

Sorry to hear you have to do those shots, but at least you're not doing them yourself :) Hang in there my friend and get some rest!

ChemoPrincess said...

Jane, I had to do the Neupogen shots also, and like you i also hate needles. The body aches were horrible. Then they switched me to Nuelasta, and you only have to have one shot the day after chemo. The body aches are really bad for about 2 days and then you are back to normal.
The hair thing was really hard for me when it started coming out real bad. Like everyone else I haven't been washing it as often as I like to. Try a pony tail at night to cut down on the hair loss in bed.=)

Cindy said...

I am sorry you are hurting, is there something you can take to help the body aches? You know your beautiful hair will grow back and it will be even prettier! And I would definately ask about the nuelasta. I wish I could be there to help you with your shampooing, but am very happy you have Taylor to help out. Tell her we are very proud of her and I will be mailing stuff tomorrow morning. Tell Hailey to behave and I am sending her something, too. Tell Josh he doesn't get anything this time, boo hoo! Love to you all, Mom