Friday, February 29, 2008

2nd Trimester Progress Reports

It's that time again. We had parent - teacher conference's this week. Here's a little recap.

Hailey continues to do very well in class. In the first grade they still get graded with E, S and N's. (Excellent, Satisfactory and Needs Improvement) Hailey received all E's and S's.

Reading S+
Writing S
Spelling E
Social Studies / Science / Health S
Math S

She improved in every subject since 1st Trimester. One problem that we had to discuss with Hailey is the fact that she likes to talk a little to much when she shouldn't be. To be honest, I am surprised that this didn't come up 1st Trimester too, because I live with the girl and she never shuts up! :)

Taylor also did very well this trimester. She actually improved her grade point average from a 2.83% to a 3.50%, which in turn puts her on honor roll. We are so proud of her.

Reading A
Writing B
Spelling A
Science / Health A
Social Studies A
Math C+ (79.3%)
Music E
It's kind of hard to see but I thought I would share it with everyone. I also wanted to share a picture of Emmitt. He seems to think that he is going to Idaho with us. Crazy Cat!!!

I hope everyone is doing well. To all of you up in Idaho, we can't wait to see you. Also, we are thinking of going home through Seattle, so we can see some more family and friends. Who knows when we will be able to take a vacation again. :)


Bad days are bound to happen to everyone. You could be having the best week of your life, only to have some calamity smack you right in the forehead. But is this the end-all and be-all? Probably not. If you wake up the next day and the sun has risen, chances are you will be just fine. Work to fix whatever problems you may have encountered, but don’t let them take a central role in your life. Do whatever it takes to resolve the issue and move on. Maybe that means not being too proud to apologize, or maybe even humble enough to accept an apology. You can make it work. Each day is a new opportunity; make as much use of it as you can.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Spark People

I joined a free diet website back in January called Spark People. I absolutely love it. I can track my food, my exercise, weight loss and have access to so many great articles. It is such a great website because everyone who signs up is there for pretty much the same reason. To loose weight and to live a healthy lifestyle. I have met so many wonderful people. I actually met my new walking partner, Geri there. If you are interested please check it out.

One of the other great parts of the website is the motivational section. Below is one that really caught my attention. Enjoy!

Do you hold yourself to the standards of other people, wishing you could be better than the next guy? Maybe this is motivating you, but an even greater skill is to just want to be better than yourself. How about pushing yourself to eat better, or walk longer after dinner each day? Goal setting is a great way to “compete” against yourself. You select the end result that you want in any concentration that you choose. Then, it is up to you, and only you, to work to achieve those goals. Thus, you’ll be pushing yourself towards greatness, not creating unnecessary competition against others.

Friday, February 15, 2008


I am officially done with radiation. I just thought I would share the certificate I got. Just in case you can't read the certificate.

Prigge Radiation Oncology Center
Certificate of Completion
is hereby granted to:
Mary Steele

To certify that she has completed her prescribed
Radiation therapy treatment with
high honors in courage,
cooperation and good spirits!!

Granted: February 14th, 2008

I feel awesome right now. I've lost 8 pounds since I started my radiation. Now I only have about 92 more pounds to go.

I'm working on planning my trip to Idaho in March. I can't wait to see everyone. We will try and bring up some of the wonderful California sun!!

I will be mailing out invitations to the party we are going to have soon. I would love it if everyone could send me their mailing address. My mom gave me a list and I have my address book but I want to make sure I don't miss anyone!! You can send them to my email address:
