Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Spark People

I joined a free diet website back in January called Spark People. I absolutely love it. I can track my food, my exercise, weight loss and have access to so many great articles. It is such a great website because everyone who signs up is there for pretty much the same reason. To loose weight and to live a healthy lifestyle. I have met so many wonderful people. I actually met my new walking partner, Geri there. If you are interested please check it out.

One of the other great parts of the website is the motivational section. Below is one that really caught my attention. Enjoy!

Do you hold yourself to the standards of other people, wishing you could be better than the next guy? Maybe this is motivating you, but an even greater skill is to just want to be better than yourself. How about pushing yourself to eat better, or walk longer after dinner each day? Goal setting is a great way to “compete” against yourself. You select the end result that you want in any concentration that you choose. Then, it is up to you, and only you, to work to achieve those goals. Thus, you’ll be pushing yourself towards greatness, not creating unnecessary competition against others.

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