Tuesday, July 17, 2007


It's been a crazy couple days. Yesterday, I went to get my blood work for my Chemo Treatment and then I took the girls out to lunch. When I got home, I had a message from the Infusion Department that my appointment for Chemo was cancelled. They left no reason on why it was cancelled just that it was cancelled. So of course, you know me...I'm freaking out. Is something wrong, what did the Bone Marrow Biopsy results say? I called my Oncologist and the Infusion department and left them a few messages. To find out they were in meetings and the reason my Chemo got cancelled is because they were in training. The appointment has been rescheduled for Wednesday, the 18th.

Today, I was at the hospital at 7:30 getting prepped for my Chest port. The surgeon wanted to have the port on my right side but due to my tumor being on that side, it made it hard for him to get to a good blood vessel, so the port was put in on the left side. The nurses and doctor did a great job.

I did come home and check my voicemails and emails for work but didn't last much longer than that. The pain meds were starting to wear off and I needed to try and relax for a while. I ended up falling asleep in my new recliner. My neck is pretty sore and it's really hard to move without any pain but I know in the long run, it was worth it. Tomorrow, I go in for my 2nd Chemo treatment at 10:30. I've taken one of my anti-nausea pills today to hopefully prevent getting sick like I did last time.
Gonna go rest some more. Hope everyone is well.


Kelly Kane said...

You'll love your port, hopefully you got some numbing cream to apply before they "tap" your port tomorrow :) Good luck with chemo #2, I have a feeling it'll be easier than the first one since you have a little idea of what to expect. Talk to you soon!!


Anonymous said...

I will be praying that it all goes well for you! xoxo Jen

ChemoPrincess said...

You will have to let me know how bad it hurt. I am such a baby, and have not got one. It's not just the pain i am afraid of, but also the risk of infection my skin is so sensitive. Hope your chemo went well.