Sunday, February 27, 2011

10 out of 10 Match

We got GREAT news this last Thursday...They have found me a bone marrow donor. The donor is a 10 out of 10 match!!! We don't know much more than that right now but we will find out more on Tuesday when we meet with the transplant doctor. My Oncologist did say that it could be within the next few weeks, so I shouldn't need to do another consolidation treatment. I will need to do one more bone marrow biopsy before the transplant to be 100% certain the cancer is still gone!!!

I have to admit I wasn't really sure how to react when my oncologist told me the good news. Don't get me wrong, I am so happy but at the same time I am pretty scared. I actually just requested some more learning material from NMDP or National Marrow Donor Program. The NMDP has support resources for patients, caregivers and families.

One of the guidelines of the transplant is that I can't know who my donor is for one year. Also my donor will not know who I am. At the one year mark either party can request to get the others information. I am so greatful that there are people who are willing to be donors. Thank you so much to the man or woman who is a perfect match to me, you are truly a lifesaver.

I will post more on Tuesday after I meet with the transplant doctor.


Sunday, February 06, 2011

Going home

Just finished up my first five day consolidation treatment. It actually hasn't been too bad. The nausea still comes and goes but nothing I can't deal with! I will be back in about 30 days for another consolidation treatment and as long as my blood work stays in line I won't need to get another bone marrow biopsy.

I'm still waiting to be matched up with a bone marrow donor, so hopefully I hear something soon. If a donor is found we will move straight to a transplant and no more consolidation treatments. I'm really nervous about the transplant but I know it needs to be done. I could be in the hospital for a minimum of 30 days which I don't look forward too. It's really hard being away from the family that long.

Well enough about that for now. I'm gonna go home and enjoy my family!!!!


Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Great news!!!!

Sorry I didn't write yesterday. I do have great news, the cancer is still gone and I only need to do 5 days of treatment. Below is a breakdown of my treatment.

Tuesday night - 1 bag of chemo
Wednesday morning - 1 bag of chemo
Thursday night - 1 bag of chemo
Friday morning - 1 bag of chemo
Saturday night - 1 bag of chemo
Sunday morning - 1 bag of chemo

On my rest days I get to go downstairs to the gift shop or the cafe, get a little fresh air. Much different from my last visit!!!

I get to leave Sunday after the chemo is done. Each bag takes about 3 hours to complete. I should be home in time for football, not that I'm a big football fan but it will still be nice.

The girls and Josh should be here any minute so I will write more later!
