Monday, January 31, 2011

Back at UC Davis

It's been a while since my last post. I kind of lost my motivation for a while. I ended up being in the hospital from November 5th to January 4th! I got really depressed and didn't even want to get out of bed. I wasn't on Facebook much, didn't really have any interest in reading or writing. I pretty much slept my days away. That was until my mom flew down from Idaho to put her foot in my ass. Lol.

I think the hardest part was being confined to the same room for so long and not being able to do Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas morning. I didn't get to help with any cooking, shopping or any of the fun of the holidays. Josh was wonderful though, he made a homemade Thanksgiving dinner and brought it to me at the hospital. It was awesome! For Christmas the kids and Josh brought me up a mini decorated tree for my room, it was perfect! Then Christmas morning they all came up and we opened presents and hung out for the day.

On January 4th, when I was discharged Josh planned a great surprise for my arrival home. My mom drove me home from the hospital and every 20 minutes Josh would call her so I knew they were up to something. When we pulled into the driveway I had about 15 people in the driveway holding big poster boards that said "Welcome Home". It was such a great surprise and then
Josh made me his homemade Chili! The family really pulled together and got the house super clean. It was great!

The last couple weeks have been family time at the Steele household. We've been to a couple movies, went out to lunches or dinners with friends, played on the wii. Since I got discharged with all my counts being up I was able to be out and about and not have to worry too much. While I was home Fox40 news and several other local companies organized a blood drive at the Modesto mall in my honor. I actually was on tv because I got interviewed by Fox40. It was a great day and such an awesome experience. The goal was to get 100 donors to attend the event, the actual count was 131. I can't thank everyone enough for their participation.

Today I was admitted back to UC Davis to get a bone marrow biopsy, which we just finished up
doing. Thanks Dr. Sands you did an awesome job, I barely felt a thing. We are hoping to have the preliminary report tomorrow so we can start the next round of chemotherapy. As long as no cancer cells show in the biopsy then I am here for a 5 day consolidation treatment. Very
worse case and they do see cancer cells then I will need to redo the induction process, which
could keep me here for a month. So needless to say I am praying for no cancer cells!!!!

I am going to do my very best to keep my blog updated on a more regular basis. Thank you all so much for the love and support!


Jen said...

Hoping all has gone well this first day and praying that you'll only be there 5 days! Sounds like you have a great family behind you too! Looking forward to reading more good news. :)

Cindy said...

Keep writing, I love it! Taylor tells me I was in the paper for Brock Elliott Day, wow, now I am a star! Take care of yourself, and keep us updated.