Friday, September 07, 2007

Jelly Belly Factory

It has been a busy couple of days. My brother, his wife and daughter arrived at 3:00 in the morning yesterday from Idaho. Then my brother and I went and picked up our grandfather from the airport in Oakland. Today we are off to the Jelly Belly Factory to do one of their tours. This isn't the first time we've been but the girls love it and it gets us out of the house. And of course, I get to pick up some of my favorite chocolates.....JBz. We are also meeting Sandy and Marcia there. They flew into Sacramento late last night and will be coming to my house today. Tonight, we will be doing my birthday dinner at La Villas; my favorite mexican restaurant. Then tomorrow is our big trip to the city (San Francisco). I can't wait. When my brother and I went to Oakland yesterday there was a 20 degree difference in the weather. It was so nice. I love going into the Bay!!!

I also wanted to tell you about my Chemo Angels. I found this great website that hooks up current chemo patients with Chemo Angels. Chemo Angels are cancer survivors or someone who has been affected by cancer in one way or another who volunteer to spread a little love and encouragement to current chemo patients. I have two angels...Shelby from Massachusetts and Bonnie from New York. I got this great card from Shelby earlier this week and yesterday from Bonnie I got a gift for my birthday. A nice box of chocolates and a gift card to Barnes and Noble. What a great surprise! I know that once I am done with my chemo, I am going to apply to be a chemo angel. If you get a chance check out the website; - Thank you Shelby and Bonnie you made my day!

I better get my butt moving so we can get on the road. We live about an hour or so away from the Jelly Belly Factory and it is Friday, so who knows how traffic is going to be.


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