Sunday, August 26, 2007

What a crazy week!!!

I'm sorry it's been a while since I have been on. It's been a pretty crazy week for me. Earlier this week I met with my new Oncologyst. I was having such a hard time understanding my previous Onc, that I felt I need to make a change. My new doctor, Dr. Tomika is wonderful. She went over all my tests from day one. We reviewed my initial CT and PET Scan and we talked about what to look forward to. It was a great visit. My old doctor was in Stockton and my new doctor is in Modesto, so I took advantage of being in Modesto. I met up for lunch with my friend Sabrina that I haven't seen in ages. We went to the mall and had lunch at Sweet River. It was pretty good.

On Friday, I was feeling pretty bad. I had such bad pains in my stomach it was making me double over. I wasn't sure if I should call my primary doctor or my Onc. I got a hold of my Onc. office and they told me to go to the ER. So off I go. $100 co-pay later, I have no answer to what's wrong. At this point in time, the doctor believes it's tied to my gallbladdder. The ER Doc gave me a shot of Dilaudid. WOW, that did the trick...before I knew it I was feeling much better. He also did an onsight ultrasound but since it was a traveling ultrasound machine, it didn't pick up much. So this week sometime, I will be going into radiology for an ultrasound. He did sent me home with my own bottle of Dilaudid.

On Saturday, I received another beautiful boquet of flowers. This time from very good friends of mine in Fresno; Lupe & Patty. I can't tell you how much they made my day. I've been a bit emotional lately and they couldn't have come at a better time. Thank you Lupe and Patty!

Only a week until my mom and dad are here!!!! I can't wait to see my family. My brother and his family will be here in about a week and a half. Oh yeah, I turn 30 in two weeks. I can't beleive how time flies. I feel like I was just 21 yesterday! Life can sure sneak up on ya. I will try to post more this week!!



Kelly Kane said...

Hey Mary Jane! Thanks for the comments, and I'm sorry to hear about your belly pains. I recently read about people on the lymphoma forum getting that drug you mentioned and they also thought it was fantastic :) Oh and Sandy (aka Sandbandit) also had gallbladder problems during chemo, so you have someone in the same situation as you. And yes, our birthday's are coming up sooo soon, you'll be 30, and I'll be a big 25 behind ya :) I'm so excited for your birthday celebration, as for now, I haven't planned anything - I really need to get on that! I feel like other people should plan birthday festivities for us :) Anywho, good to hear from you, and I hope this week goes a little better for you and I'm glad you're liking your new onc. Keep us posted about the ultrasound.


Cindy said...

It's hard to believe we are going to be there by this time next week. I can't wait, and I know everyone here is excited. I talked to Sandy the other night about her and Marcia coming down, Tina called me tonight and she and Jeremy are really excited, too. I am so glad Grandpa is flying, I won't have to worry about him driving from Tennessee all by himself. It's going to be a great 30th, too bad Kelly couldn't be here, so we could help her celebrate the big 25!! I hope the meds help keep your pain down, I know from experience how bad that hurts. I can't wait to see you. Dad is still a little sore from falling through the roof, a little bruised and battered, but I think he'll be fine. WE both love you, see you soon. Love Mom

ChemoPrincess said...

Hi Jane,
Sorry to hear about the pain and the E.R. visit. The doctor has also given me dilaudid for the bone pain from the Nuelasta shot. I have to agree with you it definitely works. Sounds like you have a huge party planned, it will be great to have your family and friends around. No matter how old you get there is nothing like having mom around.