Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Back to the ER

I woke up around 2:00 Monday morning to more pain. I tried the pain pills that I got on Friday, but they weren't working. So by 4:30am or so I was back at the ER. This time it took the doctors 5 times of giving me pain meds before I had no pain. The ER doc had me wait until I could get an ultrasound done. The woman who did the ultrasound said she did see a gallstone in my gallbladder. She said it looks to be a couple of centimeters. So next in comes a surgeon. He said we could operate today if I wanted him to. I declined the surgery until I spoke with my Oncologist and my Primary doctor. I don't want this to mess up my chemo treatments. Can't I beat one problem before I have to deal with another? I spoke with my Oncologist and she said that if my gallbladder is giving me issues because of inflammation then I should proceed with the removal of it. If it is just acting up and I can change my diet and use the pain pills I have then I could probably put off the surgery until once I'm done with chemo. She said to meet with my Primary doctor and go over a plan of attack. I have an appointment on Thursday to meet with my primary. That's all the news I have for now. I will keep everyone posted as to what my primary says.


Anonymous said...

I'm sooo sorry you are having to go through this too... I know how that one feels! I hope everything
goes okay for you! xoxoxo Much loves! Jen

Kelly Kane said...

Ugh, I'm so sorry you're going thru this crap! I hope you and your doc figure things out soon so you're not in anymore pain!! Keep us posted!!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear your news! Travis thought he had a problem w/gallstones a few months ago...he said he felt like he was going to die. Well take care, and get lots of rest!!

Sanbandit said...

ahhhh someone else with Gallbladder problems after the start of chemo!!! I'm not the only one!
If you have stones get it removed now. My experience was, everytime i'd have chemo, a week later I would have another gallbladder attack. That went on for a few treatments more then it should've. We shoudlv'e just taken it out right away. I know the pain!!!! I went to the ER but by the time i was finally admitted and having waited like 5 hours at home first in pain before waking up my roommate to take me to the ER the pain finally went away as soon as the er doc was done poking me lol.
The surgery is easy. Laproscopic, one day, most people recover in like 2-5 days. I was wimp though took me a week and a half. My cousin, up and running in 2days. Get it out beofre you have to go through more attacks!!! At it will save on ER visits!!
Just my humble opinion!!
Hope you feel better and don't have to deal with more pain!

sandydd said...

Man oh man Darlin...Having suffered with gallstones myself, I would advise you to go for it if you can and just get it removed. Sooner than later. Sanbandit is right...it's pretty easy now. And you'll feel so much better and it will make it easier to deal with all the other stuff then...don't ya think? Talk to the doc though. Just know that were thinkin bout ya honey bunny. See you next week OK??? Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

I was diagnosed with NHL about 7 months ago. I have a sense of what you are going through. I wish you the best!!!!!!!!!!!!