Saturday, August 18, 2007

IMS Financial Services

After Chemo yesterday I wasn't doing too well. I was as white as a ghost and I felt so tired and out of it. I usually try to come home after my chemo and try to work on files, but yesterday I could barely sit in the upright position. It was pretty much straight to bed when I got home.

I wanted to share the beautiful flower arrangement that was just delivered to me from my broker in North Hollywood, CA. IMS Financial is the only office I am processing loans for right now and they have been so supportive through this whole cancer process. The doctors appointments, the surgeries and the Chemo treatments. I am completely blessed to have them in my life. Thank you Ali and the whole crew at IMS, you guys are the best!



Sanbandit said...

Awww sorry you had an icky reaction from the chemo treatment. hopefully it will pass relatively quickly. But just think all the ickiness just means the chemo working and kickin cancers butt!!!
Just try and relax, think good thoughts. I've actually been coloring in a coloring book lol. Its soooo relaxing and kind of theraputic. I'm sure you got coloring books and crayons around the house! Maybe give that a whirl when you just can't get up but will give you a little sense of accomplishment for a little bit. :)
Beautiful flowers they sent you, thats great!

Cindy said...

To Ali and crew, thanks so much from us, Art & Cindy, (Jane's parents) for all of your love and support of our daughter. I actually want to thank all of you who take the time to read her blog and send your love and support to all of us, it truly means the world! You make this easier for Jane, and her Dad and I truly send our love to all of you!

Kelly Kane said...

Sorry you're feelin' crummy, I hope you get some rest and possible do some coloring and enjoy those flowers!!!

Kelly Kane said...

Hey did you know that your blog is listed on the I'm Too Young For This web site?!

sandydd said...

Sorry you had a crummy day but the flowers are beautiful! Just knowing that someone was thinking about you when you're feeling at your worst is so great. Just know that you have so many of us thinking of you always. We love you darlin. Sandy & Larry

donna best pressley said...

Dear Jane,
I am so sorry your day was really ruff after chemo. I hope you are feeling much better now. the flowers you received were so beautiful. the fall colors are georgous. i just love those colors together. I am so happy you have so many supporters and are receiving so much love through your treatments. God just works in mysterious ways and he is always there for you honey.I am so happy your grandfather is coming from tennessee. i know he loves you so much. please tell him hello for me and that i send my love. so continue to be strong Jane and all will work out just fine. God Bless you Jane and i love you honey
Aunt Donna

Cindy said...

Just a note to let everyone know that Jane is in the ER as I write this, with what they think is gall bladder problems. Considering this is not her first atack, I am not sure yet what they are going to do. I'll keep everyone posted on the blog, when I can. Please send your hugs and prayers, I know she'll ap[preciate it! Take Care, Love Cindy

Unknown said...

Hi Jane, I don't know if you remember me, but we went to school way back when in CDA. Seems so long ago! I came across your blog through myspace and want to wish you the best in your recovery.

Cherise (Cheri Vigue) Thompson