Monday, June 30, 2008

CT Results

The results are in...NEED MORE TESTING!!

I really hate to hear that but it is what it is. The CT Scan showed that I have enlarged lymphnodes. It aslo showed a collapsed blood vessel in my right armpit area. My doctor says I could be one of those people that just have larger lymphnodes but she wants to be certain so she has ordered a PET Scan. She is forwarding the CT Scan to a vascular doctor to look at the collapsed blood vessel. She doesn't seem to concerned but we would rather be safe than sorry. The PET Scan does such a better job picking up Lymphoma than a CT Scan does, so I'm all for it.

To be honest, I feel okay about this. At first to hear that more testing had to be done had me a little discouraged but I'm trying to be more positive. I'm a bigger girl, so why not have bigger lymphnodes. Hey, I have to be positive or I would drive myself absolutely crazy. Especially with the girls not home, I have way to much time to think about it.

My parents and the girls went to Seattle this weekend for one of my lifelong friends wedding. I wish I could have been there. I will share pictures once my mom sends them to me. Congratulations, Krissy and Jim!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I posted a comment on your myspace too lol. How come you didn't go to the wedding? same day as the ct test? sorry i'm just nosey
keep us posted how the pet scan turns out..hope it's just big nodes for no other reason then they're just big!