Friday, November 02, 2007


I'm not very good with medical terminology so I decided I would look up the definition and share it with everyone.

Residual disease - Cancer cells that remain after attempts to remove the cancer have been made.

Now that I know what Residual disease means, I am VERY, VERY HAPPY to share that my PET Scan showed NO RESIDUAL DISEASE. Also, my MUGA Scan came back very good.

At this point in time, I received the news via email from my doctor. She does want to continue chemotherapy for a bit longer to make sure the cancer is completely gone. I won't know exactly how much longer until I meet with her but I'm assuming that it will be 7 full cycles (14 treatments). It would be really nice to be done with chemo before Christmas.

Anyway, I will keep everyone posted. Thank you all for the wonderful comments you have left me. I truly appreciate it.



Kelly Kane said...


ChemoPrincess said...

I am sssooooo HAPPY for you. It will be over soon. We had a great Halloween. We had tons of kids and families out in our neighborhood, did you guys?

Jon said...

great news. keeping you in our thoughts over here on the east coast.

Anonymous said...

I just read the blog...I litterally let out a huge sigh and am in tears. It's so great to hear that the chemo is almost over and you can move on with all your plans! Take care and keep your head up b/c there is a huge light at the end of the tunnel

Duane said...

No residual disease! That's great news. Keep it up!

ChemoPrincess said...

Thanks Mary Jane for the offer. Yeah the phlebitis was caused from the chemo. I guess i should have gotten the port after all. The pain patch they put me on helped so much. I'm not in much pain anymore, but i still have limited use of my arm. I just got chemo yesterday in the other arm so i am keeping my fingers crossed for no phlebitis in this arm, how horrible that would be. How are you doing? I think your chemo is right around mine, maybe you are there today? If so good luck to you. ttyl