Monday, November 12, 2007

Not quite what I wanted to hear

First off, I wanted to start by saying that when I wrote on Saturday, I told you that I had gained 5 pounds. Well, I went to my doctor's appointment today and I am down 4 of those 5 pounds. How crazy a few days can change things. Even crazier, I didn't do anything to loose those 4 pounds. Maybe the scales are off :(

Anyway, I met with my oncologyst today and it looks like I may be extending my treatments. I was really hoping to be done after 6 or 7 cycles (12 - 14 treatments), but it looks like it will be pushed out to 8 cycles (16 treatments). I will get another PET Scan done in December to find out for sure but the way she was talking today, I might as well plan on 8 cycles. Doing all 8 cycles puts me into February before I am done with chemo. UGGHH!!

I know I shouldn't be upset because I am going to have the rest of my life but it the news was still a little disappointing to me. Most people on chemo loose weight, not gain it. I really want to be able to diet and get myself on the right track with my weight. Having cancer and being able to eventually beat cancer gives me so much strength to conquer my forever weight battle. I'm just anxious to get started but until the doctor says I can start dieting, she is the boss.



Sanbandit said...

Hey there
Weird about the mysterious +5 -4. Did you where heavier clothes and clunky shoes the time before lol. I pretty much stayed the same weight through out my treatments. I thought hey one good thing will be some weight loss (not that they want you too and they much rather see you gain it then loose it) so I was bummed nothin really came off. Dont' worry, February will be here before ya know it! Then you'll all done and startin diets and everything else!
take care!

ChemoPrincess said...

Hey Mary Jane,
I know how you feel getting news you didn't really want to hear. When you look at the big picture a few extra chemo treatments for a lifetime of health is worth it, but when you are getting the chemo the only thing you can think about is it being over. It won't be long and it will be over for you too. As far as the weight thing you are not alone. I have put on 53 pounds from the day i found the lump until today. So I'm with you my next battle is to get some of this weight off. I will continue to post blogs, it helps me to vent and keep my family and friends informed with what is going on with me in this busy hectic life. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Jon said...

7 or 8 cycles. Do these people get paid by the drip? I am sorry to hear they are talking about extending it.

So here is the deal on upping of dosages. My Dr. said that there is no evidence that suggests a dosage above that prescribed for your "target weight" benefits you. I asked him specifically. He said for years they had been prescribing obese people with obscene dosage amounts based on their current weight and it was wrecking them (they couldn't handle it). I am really worried that 1.) They are upping your dosage with NO RESIDUAL DESEASE and 2.) They are possibly extending it. You guys are in our thoughts, I just wish things were getting easier on you, not harder (especially in light of the fact that you are clean now).

How is your old man doing in the career hunt?