Thursday, September 20, 2007

Feeling pretty lousy

The last week has been pretty bad for me. This chemo treatment kicked my butt. I felt sick to my stomach until Tuesday. Wednesday wasn't too bad and today I pretty much felt normal until about 4:00 this afternoon, now I'm feeling like crap again. Gotta love chemo!!!

I had my PET Scan done on Sunday and the guy who was getting me prepped ended up bruising my hand trying to put my IV in. I usually don't bruise that easy but under the circumstances I'm know my body is more sensitive. I have an appointment on the 26th with my Oncologist to find out the results.

Things have been really tight for Josh and I lately. He works when his step dad has work for him, and I'm trying to work but I don't have many loan files and I have felt so crappy after each treatment. Josh decided that it was time to look for another job so he applied and Home Depot and they want him to be a "Lumber Supervisor". In 90 days, he will get full benefits which will be great. I'm hoping that we can get Kaiser Insurance and they still cover me or I'll have to be on my own policy and let Josh and the girls on his. I can't believe the cost of insurance. But I also don't know what I would do without it. Does anyone know about disability? I'm not sure I could qualify because I'm self employed. UUUGGGHH!!

I have to admit, I'm getting really tired of having cancer. I want to live a normal life again. No more chemo, no more daily trips to the injection center to get my nuprogen shots, no more blood work and no more tests!!!! I feel so helpless!!! I don't usually express this side of my emotions but I really feel if I don't I'm going to explode. Our luck the last year has been really bad and I'm just frustrated. I truly do appreciate everyone's support and can't tell you enough how much easier you have made this for me but I guess I'm having one of those moments.

I uploaded some new pictures on my myspace page so please check them out when you have a chance. I'll write more later.



Jon said...

Hey, sorry you are feeling down, but I hope the pet scan results are good and you get a second burst of energy.

Sanbandit said...

Hi there. I totally agree with the just wanting cancer to be over!! But dont worry it will start to fly by amazingly enough. I can't believe I only have two more treatments to go.
Wish I could help out with info on disability for the self employeed but I know nothing. sorry.
Hope things turn around and go better and you get great clean results on your PET Scan!!

ChemoPrincess said...

Hi Jane,
I'm on disability right now. I'm not sure about self employed, i think there is some insurance you have to pay into while you are working. Their website is real informative
You can get phone numbers addresses and I'm sure someone would be able to help you. I haven't been feeling very good either, so i know your pain. Hope you start to feel better. Good Luck on the PET scan and the disability.